Dripping fabric

Spray paint the right piece of denim fabric by using pink and blue. I am quite in love with the texture on top of it. 

Dripping fabric

Holding hands is one of the most meaningful motion that happens in a relationship, for me, it is also another way of representing fantasy. Because love is fantasy for me, I see anything could say this emotion as one of my inspirations. In addition, the shapes of hands holding are quite interesting, I was going to try collage them with my other pictures, and see if there is going to be something interesting happens.   

Details of Victorian fashion

Marie Antoinette history

movie Marie Antoinette

movie Marie Antoinette

For me, when I think about denim and flowers, they reminded my of first love feeling, because when couples are dating, normally, they would wear very casual, and denim a perfect suit for them.

18th birthday surprise(photoshoped photo)

Dripping fabric

Dripping fabric

Details of Victorian fashion


This is a movie I've watched that inspired a lot with this project. I would say Marie Antoinette's entire life is a show of how fantasy world looks like. Incessant treasure to use, all the pretty clothes to wear, endless parties to go, but is she really happy with her life? I don't think so. Life for her is meaningless-- In a very young age, married a man who doesn't love her, and far away from family. 

movie Marie Antoinette

movie Marie Antoinette

18th birthday surprise(photoshoped photo)

The definition of pink(CSM library)

The definition of pink(CSM library)